Hey there! I’m Shashi.

Let me thank you already for stopping by.

I am a digital content creator, passionate about creating high-quality branding and marketing creatives.

I design and create purposeful web graphics, social media graphics, branding & marketing creatives.

I’d be happy to help you enhance your business’s digital presence by designing remarkable & engaging visuals for your brand that your ideal prospects will love.

To create designs that reflect your personality and purpose is what I aim to do.

My Story

From a very young age, I was always complimented for my creative side. When I was in college and working in non-governmental organization, I always enjoyed projects that required creativity like preparing presentation slides, charts, videos, and such. After a huge earthquake of 2015, my career took 180° turn. I quit my 9to5 (deep inside I always knew I wasn’t made for it) and started working as a freelance content creator.

I worked as a Head of Content (freelancer) for a digital marketing agency for more than 3 years. Also, I have been blogging and creating content for more than 5 years. These experiences gave me a good understanding of the importance of visual graphics to enhance the brand/business. The brilliant graphics are integral for the increased engagement from your audience on online platforms.

See how I can be of service

About Toya Creatives

Toya creatives came to existence to fulfill your requirement of amazing graphics to promote and grow your business, reach out to your potential customers, and stand out in the online community.

Behind The Name:

In our culture, on the eleventh day after a baby is born, an astrologer/priest gives him/her a name that is based on birth time and zodiac sign in a ceremony called Nwaran. Mine is Toya. So, yeah that’s just my name and I have always fancied being a boss of my own. ;)

Little bits of my life:

When I am not on my laptop, I mostly have my nose buried in a book. I basically run on coffee but after being diagnosed with GERD, I have reduced my intakes. I am a sucker for houseplants who loves traveling and taking photographs.

Some facts about me:

  • I am an ambivert.
  • I love pizza and momo (Nepali dumplings).
  • My name, Shashi is Sanskrit for Moon.
  • I hold a Masters degree in International Cooperation and Development.
  • I am a certified trainer. [Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (MS) Denmark]
See my portfolio